Fon: 0176 92308435

Transformative 200 Hour Yoga Teacher

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Hatha and Vinyasa based – find your own way of practice and teaching

From Passion to purpose

Prices starting from 2250 USD

Deeply rooted within each of us is the desire towards health, connection, growth and unfolding our potential to thrive.

Are you longing for connection, unity and thriving in a world that seems to be increasingly torn apart and disconnected?

Yoga is a time proven system that leads from disconnection to unity and freedom – to reconnect with yourself and the world around you.

Our yoga teacher training aims at empowering a healthy life of purpose and meaning.
Deeply rooted in the age-old tradition of yogic experience and wisdom, we make living and teaching yoga accessible for modern people and their challenging living conditions.

All eight elements of yoga are considered in the teaching: Ethics (Yama & Niyama), Posture (Asana), Breath (Pranayama), Turning the awareness inward (Pratyahara),  Concentration (Dharana), Meditation (Dhyana) and Samadhi(Unity).

We honor the uniqueness of every individual, their bodies, minds and emotions.

We don’t follow a set style or dogmatic tradition. 

We establish a safe space, offering guidelines for you to discover your own creative way of teaching yoga. A way that supports your expression and skills in sharing and teaching your truth and gifts to the world, or just finding your own unique style of yoga practice.

immerse into all aspects of yoga and return empowered and inspired.

No matter if you want to deepen your personal practice or want to teach yoga professionally – your life experience, skills and expression will shape your unique way to practice and teach. 

We will support, guide, protect and facilitate the process of turning your passion into practice and profession with confidence.

Let’s celebrate yoga and life together!

Dr. Wiebke Mohme:
Yoga Alliance E-RYT 500
Yoga Alliance YACEP

Trained in Hatha Yoga, Mindful Vinyasa Yoga, Forrest Yoga and Embodied Flow
MD, GP, Ayurveda education, trauma therapy training (in progress)
I started my yoga journey as a sophisticated physical practice more than 40 years ago, Yoga shaped progressively my physical, mental, spiritual and professional life. The healing power of yoga is also an integrative part of my therapeutic work as a medical doctor, together with Ayurveda. I currently have more than 23 years experience of teaching Yoga, Ayurveda and medical knowledge. I speak German, English, French and beginner´s Spanish.
My intention for the training: be creative, alive and thrive – live, teach and embody yoga –  realize the light in every being, starting with yourself and let it shine to make the world a more humane place.

  • Become enthusiastic about anatomy with TheCoreConcept of Anatomy
  • Learn about Ayurveda
  • Find your own way and confidence in teaching and practicing yoga – creativity welcome

Minimum 1 year of regular yoga class practice

If this criteria is not met and you want to take part, contact us (

Yoga Style / Tradition

  • Based on Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa and Forrest yoga, I  developed my own approach of practice and teaching „Unwind & Flow“. I  encourage students to find their own way, guided by traditional principles.
  • The guiding principle of  “Unwind & Flow:

Deep & conscious breath

Profound attunement

Moving from the core

Asana opens a space to experience yourself

27 full days of training, Sundays off except morning practice


The Program:

30 days – 3 Sundays off (with optional morning class) – 200 + hours

As a registered training with Yoga Alliance the Yoga Alliance 200 hours curriculum applies:

– Techniques, Training, Practice (75 hours): Asana, Pranayama & Subtle Body, Meditation

– Anatomy & Physiology (30 hours): Systems of the body, biomechanics

– Yoga Humanities (30 hours): History of Yoga, Philosophy, Ethics

– Professional Essentials (50 hours): Teaching Methodology, Professional Development, Practicum (Practice teaching)

– Plus 15 hours of choice

Sample daily schedule:

07.00 -09.00Morning practice – Techniques, Training, Practice: Asana, Pranayama2
(5 Min break included)
Anatomy & Physiology   or
Yoga Humanities: History of Yoga, Philosophy, Ethics orProfessional Essentials: Teaching Methodology, Professional Development,
12.45-15.00Lunch break 
15.00-16.30Anatomy & Physiology   or
Yoga Humanities: History of Yoga, Philosophy, Ethics orProfessional Essentials: Teaching Methodology, Professional Development,
16.45- 18.15

18.15 – 18.30
Practicum: Practice teachingEvening relaxation or meditation1.5 

Cancellation policy:

These are your options if you are not able to attend the training:
– Find someone to replace you
– Until 31 days prior to the training starts (09.09.24/ 23:59 UTC), you will receive a refund minus 300 USD processing fee
– If cancellation happens less than 31 days prior to the training starts (from 10.09.24/ 00:00 UTC onwards) no refund is possible, but you can use the paid amount for any of our future trainings

In any case contact us on

If your financial situation is tight, but you are really motivated to do the training, talk to us and we will find a solution.

If the training has to be canceled from our side, you will receive a full refund.

For further information please see GTC, Disclaimer and

Email to to get your Detailed Information PDF about the training

This training will be held in English.

More information is coming up soon,
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